Monday, June 25, 2007

Day Six

My experience in and out of the Fish Bowl:

Out First- This was the first time I've used the fish bowl format. I found it hard to be both an active listener and commenter. I felt like I was in a chat room with a lot of experienced pros. I imagine that if I was a high school student this format would be right in my comfort zone.

In- The thought that other people are going to be commenting in writing on your presentation definitely makes you feel more like your in the spot-light. It makes you put more thought into your preparation. It definitely makes the task of reading a book in order to share it with others seem more meaningful (almost as if you arecollaborating) .

I have assigned summer reading books to my A.P. Environmental Science Classes for years and have never felt satisfied with the review sessions that we have. I plan to use this method this fall.

Thanks Pat

1 comment:

Dave said...

I actually felt like the commenting during the presentation made me feel like I wasn't in the spotlight so much. Many people were asking questions of each other, and not necessarily me,Kelly, or Kim.
Of course, I was only talking to Pat. =)